How To Be An Explorer of the World - La Paz Edition

Chris bought the book How to Be An Explorer of the World by Keri Smith a couple years ago on a visit to Powell's in Portland. We loved it, but didn't do anything with. Like many cool books it sat there. But then one day, we bought a boat. In my soul searching and planning on what our upcoming boat-school experience was going to look like, this book became a huge inspiration. With a year under our belt I can say I'm glad we've included How to Be an Explorer in our "curriculum." To be honest though, it's more than a text book to us. It's helped deprogram us, to be intentional of everyday details, and be ready to experience what we see do in new ways along our cruising journey.

This past year, we've documented found objects, sights, sounds, textures, and more. Object documentation has been especially helpful, since we don't have room to collect every trinket, shell and goodness knows what else aboard our boat. No matter what happens to the object, the details of those memories are kept safely in their explorer journals so the need to have the actual item lessens.
Explorer journal entry showing an object documentation

Today the boys were feeling a bit restless and it was OBVIOUS they needed to get off the boat and do something. I'll be honest, we've been doing a lot of hibernating in the boat next to the air conditioning instead of exploring. However, they needed something to do, so I gave them a quest. I chose 2 explorations from the book - #41 [Found Faces & #48 [Found Patterns], and sent them out on their scooters to the Malecón with my phone as a means to document their findings. 

Here's what they came back with...

Not too bad for their first time. 

I'm happy to report that they worked together without arguing, and were excited about what they found. Success! 


Faces. Can you see them?

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