Mimi and Auntie Lala's visit.
OChris' mom (Mimi) and her friend Lahni (Lala) visited us this past week. Instead of staying on the boat, they opted for a hotel with a pool! The boys LOVED spending the week in a hotel with air conditioning. I loved that the boat stayed somewhat neat and tidy for the week! We didn't do very many touristy type activities, but enjoyed days by the beach and pool, eating out, and laying low. Mimi and Lala also went to both days of spanish school with the boys, which made the boys happy. We loved having them visit, and hope they get in another visit before we leave La Paz this winter.
Hanging on the hotel beach.
Beautiful sunsets everywhere in Mexico
Spanish school art project crew.
Shopping at the Madero
Our last night with them, eating yummy wood-fired pizza.